After a voyage of 39 days, teamArchie crew member in the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race, Alfie Butler, has reached South America.

After a few days making their boat, Zhuhai, shipshape for the next leg and some well-earned R&R in Punte del Este and Montevideo, Alfie will be flying home to his day job at the Ahoy Centre in Deptford, London. A far cry from blue waves, dolphins, flying fish and exploding sardine cans in the heat of the doldrums but we know his experience will inspire and motivate the young people he teaches to sail on the grey waters of the Thames. Here are his thoughts on his incredible journey.

The best part of the Clipper Race for me has been meeting so many people from different walks of life. We have the benefit of so much time to talk about anything and everything – having conversations about how difficult it is to use the heads is unifying and bonds us! It’s really exciting to see how everyone brings something different to the team, different skills and perspectives – it allows us to lean on each other. We’ve stayed happy, and well-fed, and it has made us a stronger team.

Speaking of food, there have been so many snacks on board! My favourite snack is seconds of the meal 🙂 I’m a foodie, I love to eat. At no point have I felt super hungry, fortunately, no hanger here! As for cooking in the galley -I’m not a cook at home, it often takes a lot of energy after a long workday. But having the exposure of Mother Duty I’ve learned I enjoy making cakes and breads. I could see myself taking that skill home with me.

Hardest parts of the trip? Not showering has been the hardest thing! As someone who wears shorts and tee shirts in London winters, the equator’s heat has been a challenge (especially since I didn’t bring a fan)! But it’s just part of the journey, like sailing there are many things you could probably complain about, but then you look out at the sea and the colours in nature, and it all feels worth it. It can be hard sometimes to find space for oneself onboard as well – but having people around has been helpful too, because it forces you to be your honest self since you can’t hide from anyone on a boat. Being surrounded by this group of new friends has helped keep my headspace clear.

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