Clipper Round the World Race 2023 Bursary

Charity Partners News | 02 Apr 2023

We are delighted to introduce the recipient of our Clipper bursary for 2023, Alfie Butler. We were fortunate to meet some incredible young people on our interview day, of whom more below, but Alfie shone in a very strong field of applicants and it was probably this comment which clinched it:

“Nobody has ever given me anything but given the chance to do this I will make the most of it and most importantly I will use the skills and experience I gain to give young people like me vision, ambition and hope.”

Growing up in Deptford, London, Alfie’s life has been touched by the way knife crime, drugs and alcohol have affected friends and family but as he said in his application,

“as much as it sounds rough, these are situations my peers find themselves in too so it becomes the norm and life keeps going so you just keep moving and being happy for what you have… Sailing across an ocean is something I didn’t ever think I’d have the chance to do – it’s for other people not me”.

Alfie started sailing with the AHOY Centre and when he left school at 16 joined them for an apprenticeship gaining NVQs in Outdoor Activity Leadership and RYA dinghy, powerboat and instructor qualifications. He has continued working for AHOY as an instructor and maintaining their keelboat fleet.

 “We’re very proud of Alfie and look forward to following his journey throughout his time on the Clipper race. This is a real stepping stone for Alfie, who since his first engagement with AHOY at aged just 12, has progressed and developed into a mature young man who not only wants to achieve and give the best he possibly can in any opportunity or challenge, but shares a passion to utilise his skills and experience to give back and inspire future generations.  This opportunity to be involved in such a prestigious event is testament to his hard work and commitment to sailing over the years and we are certain he will be an asset to any team.”  

The Clipper bursary enables a young person to take part in the first leg of the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race. Alfie has just successfully completed his first weeks’ training and will set sail across the Atlantic on one of the 11 Clipper race boats in September this year.

Sadly we only had one bursary to give but in a small way we hope to have helped a couple of our other interviewees take positive steps towards their future lives.

Eirlys had competed at a high level in Kayak racing as a teenager until Covid intervened. An introduction to sailing by the Cirdan Trust has inspired her to pursue sailing as a career. She is mentored by Della Parsons, the crew recruitment director at Clipper, and Della, John Olsen and teamArchie have supported her to take powerboat, first aid and VHF radio courses to strengthen her CV.

Kieran is a youth worker with the Neo Community in Liverpool. Like Eirlys he was given an introduction to sailing by a Tall Ships experience with the Merseyside Adventure Sailing Trust . Thanks to Clipper we were able to offer Kieran a weeks’ training on the Clipper boats at Gosport.

About the AHOY Centre

Based in one of London’s most deprived areas, Deptford, The AHOY Centre uses the medium of sailing, rowing and water based activities to break down social barriers and provide innovative training. Teaching transferable and employable skills is at the heart of everything they do and at the same time they build life skills, self-confidence, team working and self-esteem. Qualifications include RYA National certification, City & Guilds, NVQ’s & BTECH’s.

AHOY works with hundreds of young people every year and they all achieve. Over the years AHOY has a proven track record of getting results both in changing behaviour & attitude. We know hands-on practical training produces tangible outcomes and so the learning becomes relevant to them and rooted in the real world. Their aim is to inspire and motivate young people to make positive life changes. Alfie’s story will be shared with younger participants to show that through hard work and determination, positive results will be achieved.” @ahoyofficial


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