A note from Callum’s fellow crew member…

We recently received the most wonderful letter from one of Callum’s fellow crew members. Callum completed Leg One of the Clipper Round the World Race and we are so proud of his huge successes and can’t wait to see what he does next.

Dear teamArchie,

I have just returned from completing Leg One of the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race on Zhuhai as a crew member.

Callum, as you know was a fellow crew member on this leg and I believe his place was enabled by Team Archie.

I feel compelled to write to you and let you know what a great decision it was to support Callum’s place. He was an absolute delight to sail with. Not only was he relentlessly positive and enthusiastic, he inspired so many of the crew members to be better, he trained and coached many of us, patiently and generously sharing his extensive sailing knowledge, guiding us to improve our skills.

For part of the leg, Callum was an appointed Watch Leader. His watch was a challenging group, made up of people from a range of cultural backgrounds and spanned ages from 20-60 with some complex characters. His handling of this group was diplomatic, assertive and respectful, a lesser person may have lost their cool with some of the frustrations and issues that Callum faced, it really was very impressive to observe, particularly given his age.

The entire crew including the Skipper and the First Mate were delighted to have Callum with us, fun, constructive, positive, hard working, humble – a real delight to sail with. We all learned so much from him. He is a remarkable young man, an outstanding ambassador for Team Archie.

He undoubtedly has a big bright future ahead of him and I am sure that his trip on Clipper will have had a significant role to play in this.

Thank you for making this trip possible for him.

Wishing you and all at Team Archie every continued success.

Best wishes


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